
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2 A Days....

Sunday afternoon I ran 6 miles in 1h 2m 08s beating my previous 6 miles by 2 minutes and 6 seconds! I am so proud. No knee pain either. I love this running faster thing!

Woke up at 5AM, got dressed, filled my water, and headed my cute ass to the gym. I walked for 5 minutes, and followed that up with a 10 minute stretch session, as I was still a little tight from Sunday's run. Then, hopped on the elliptical for 40 minutes(totally tried to talk myself out of it, but I pushed on). All in all a good day at the gym. I do like doing cardio for an hour though.

Well my best friend, Sadie, text me while I was at work and asked if I was going running(it is supposed to be a running day, but I skipped the gym yesterday). I said "No" and then I had a change of heart and said, "If you wanna run, I am down!" Her response, "Let's do it dude!". So, today I will be doing a 3 mile or so run with her. It'll be nice to have some company!

Do you get active with your friends or are you a "lone ranger"?


Amber said...

I WISH! None of my friends are as active as I'd like :(

Anna said...

On my long runs I like to be a lone ranger, but shorter runs are fun with friends. :)

Jessica - cbgblog said...

That is awesome. Congrats on beating your previous time! That is so exciting.

No, I'm a lone ranger :)

Previously Plump... in progress said...

I'm all about working out with people - gives me less of a chance to back out. I run once a week with my friend kim (who doesn't let me slack one bit).

I love working out with people... I prefer not to suffer alone :)

Corletta said...

Well...I like to exercise with my friends, but they stress out about exercising with me. We always have good laughs, but working my book...should not be a walk in the know!!! By the way...thanks for joining my blog!-

Anonymous said...

What an awesome friend! It helps when you have supportive friends. Oh and I love the new blog design!

Foodie Girl said...

I am a lone ranger most of the time. But I don't mind working out with someone.

Jessica - cbgblog said...

guess what... an award for you on my blog!

Anonymous Fat Girl said...

Congrats on your run! I've just started really liking running - in particular outdoor running. :)

I've had workout buddies and done the alone thing and I think I prefer working alone lately now that I know what to do.