
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back at One!

Today was all in all a good day. I felt gorgeous. I have been doing the whole trying to be more presentable thing and getting ready is sooo awesome! Especially with new makeup and fun hairstyles. I am feeling so much better and more focused :).

The other day on All Things In Moderation she posted these little tidbits on hydration. Oh my gosh, the tip to drink 2 8oz. glasses of water first thing in the morning has really helped me. My body has a hard time waking up sometimes and the water really helped my body "wake up". So, that will be a part of my daily wake up ritual. I love getting new info.

Todays yummy food.

Crappy picture, sorry. It was blueberries, strawberries, strawberry Chobani, and some Fiber One cereal. This is my favorite breakfast right now!

Snack was a banana, I think you know what that looks like ;)

I have a good, good man in my life! Love made chicken noodle soup for dinner last night. He boiled the marrow out of a smoked chicken and the soup was AMAZING! Carrots, potatoes, noodles, chicken pieces and the broth. I added the broccoli to mine for some more fiber and veggies. Love is not a veggie fan. He picks the carrots out, but makes it with them because he knows I love them. He rockes!


Crappy pic again, I am still trying to figure out my camera. I love these oats and chocolate fiber one bars.  They are perfect when I need a little sweet fix.


Arby's french dip. This is by no means the BEST choice. However, I removed the cheese, threw away the top piece of bread and only dipped a little in the au jus sauce. According to the Arby's website, my tweaks took my sammie from 500 cals to about 360 calories. Not bad. I partnered this yummy sammie with a little side salad and a drizzle of poppy seed dressing.

To Dessert Or Not To Dessert?
My lover butt ate some of the red velvet cupcakes I made and I did not have one.

I worked out after making the cupcakes and it was already 9:15. I did Day 5 of the 30 Day Shred while listening to Pandora Radio. After I was done, I decided I didn't want to eat dessert right before bed so I made a good decision and did not have a yummy cupcake. I will save it for tomorrow :)

Today I have really tried to pay attention to portions and not letting cravings and wants push me to eat something that my body doesn't need. I feel like I am getting my groove back :) I am off to read my nook before passing out. Good Night!

How was your day?

1 comment:

Previously Plump... in progress said...

mmmm, fibre one bars - I do the same thing - when I'm craving swets, I have one of those and it really satisfys my craving.

My day was fine - I forgot my lunch so had to get a sub, but I played baseball last night and we won :)